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Distributed Phoenix Chat with PubSub PG2 adapter
In this article we see how to cluster Phoenix Chat nodes, using distributed Elixir. We see how pg2 works...
30, Jan 2019
Distributed Phoenix Chat using Redis PubSub
In this article we'll see how to scale horizontally the Phoenix Chat app, using Redis and a Phoenix PubSub...
23, Jan 2019
Create a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Kops
In this article we see how to create a High-Availability Kubernetes cluster on AWS with Kops and deploy a...
16, Jan 2019
Processing Large CSV files with Elixir Streams
Elixir Streams are extremely powerful when we need to process large CSV files. Let's see the difference between a...
10, Jan 2019
Aggregate and Count Real-Time Trades with Elixir Maps
In this article we start to see how to aggregate Coinbase trades in real-time, using the GenServer behaviour. We'll...
28, Dec 2018
Realtime Market-Data Updates with WebSocket and Elixir
In this article we see how to build an Elixir application to get realtime updates from the coinbase websocket...
19, Dec 2018
Running Elixir in Docker Containers
How to use Docker to run our development Elixir environment and to run multiple Elixir Nodes over a Docker...
12, Dec 2018
Build a Simple Persistent Key-Value Store in Elixir, using Logs – Part 2
In this part we'll do a step further, making both keys and values persistent, being able to recover the...
04, Dec 2018
Build a Simple Persistent Key-Value Store in Elixir, using Logs – Part 1
In this series of articles we will see the different concepts behind a key-values store (Logs, Segments, Compaction, Memtable,...
28, Nov 2018